Missionary Name Number Country of Ministry Blog                
Encouragement Fund EF  Designed to assist missionaries with short term decline in donations and emergencies.                  
Rev. Tony Allan and Linda Allan 154 Nigeria                  
Michael & Joyce Allen 902 United States                  
Della Bergen 777 United States                  
Carol Case 364 Southeast Asia                  
Lynn Eager 808 International                  
Fishers of Men 293 Europe                  
Romon & Melinda Gore 706 Bolivia                  
Sam & Sheila Hager 126 Nigeria                  
Keith & Sharon Higginbotham 312 Thailand                  
Mark & Altia Legters 856 Mexico                  
Bruce & Cherry (Mair) Urich 874 International                  
Fred Porch 544 Philippines                  
Kim Sage 869 Honduras                  
Carol Smith 510 Philippines                  
Shawna Snow 206 Netherlands                  

For safety and security reasons, not all of our missionaries are listed.  If your missionary is not shown, call the NTNI office 1-877-838-9032.

Nation to Nation International is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 Tax Exempt organization.  For your donation to be tax deductable it must meet IRS requirements.  According to IRS Ruling 62-113, your donation must meet the following requirement:

To insure your donation remains tax deductable the following statement applies.

"Your missionary's name cannot be on the check. Place their number in the Memo Line. All contributions are made with the understanding that NTNI has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds and that your designation is advisory in nature."